These are only two of many, many complaints. My thoughts are that if you are going to now be recognized as a professional member of the auto collision industry, then you better get it together and get your shipments out immediately. Before we hand over the keys, shouldn’t we first be sure that these recyclers can deliver on their promises? This is a huge issue for those with customers waiting for their vehicles. You can give as many justifiable excuses as you want but in the end, you look just as bad as the recycler looks to you.
The bottom line is that you, if you’re a PDR technician or your shop, if you’re a body shop owner, suffers from bad service. If we, all sectors of the collision industry, cannot find a way to work together instead of against each other, what’s the point? We should all be respecting each other’s needs in this business. No one should have the power and control to make life miserable for anyone.
What about how this affects the imposed insurance company cycles? It’s hard enough to jump through those hoops but you throw in an unconcerned and horribly rude recycling supplier who fails to share the fact that they don’t even have the parts in stock, well it’s a recipe for disaster.
I don’t think all recyclers are like this but I do think that there are more than less. Hire efficient, responsible reps who don’t over promise and under deliver. Crack the whip and let’s get this together for heaven’s sake. We all have the same profit goals and above all, customer satisfaction right? How hard can it be?