Our Five-Day Master Certification training program is designed for the induvial that is looking to start, or to take, an existing business to the next level.
This Five-Day Training has been rated as the “number one” best training program in the world. This comes directly from all the past students that have experienced massive success in the auto detailing and car care industry.
We are an accredited educational facility registered with the State of California, so your certification is legit and its the real deal.
And why do our students have more success? That’s simple, It’s the fact that all our classes are held in a real working shop, under real working conditions with real customers vehicles! Unlike many of the other training programs available that use a classroom, “Set Up” training environment to teach the classes. All our training is real-life, hands-on experience, in real life situations and there is no better training that being placed into real working conditions.
You will learn everything you need to succeed in the car care, automotive appearance industry. From how to run a professional car care business to all the hands-on experiences you would expect in this type of training program.
The very first day of your class will prove to be very exciting and entertaining, as well as extremely professional, learning everything you need to know on how to run a successful business. Because running a business is how business should be run.
Our training programs will set you up for success whether you’re looking to go mobile or open a shop, our training facility is an extension of the rest of our tools and will prove to be the perfect choice for all your training needs.
You will also be introduced to paint protection film, window tinting, dent repair and much more!