Overcoming the Absence of Curb Appeal for PDR Technicians Part V


Be prepared for every possible scenario, don’t overbook yourself and make sure during all of the commotion that you complete the job at hand as quickly as possible. You don’t want to make connections at your current customer’s expense. You need to tow a fine line and make certain that your customer knows that they are the most important part of this day and you will get the work done in a timely and professional manner.

Never, ever push for a hard sell: Your job is to be informative. Explain your services and how those services are the best choice. You cannot shove your services down the throat of your customers. Sometimes, you will find that some customers can only handle small chunks of information at a time. For instance, if you came at my wife with everything you offer and then throw quotes at her, you’ve lost not only her business but her references. Let the customer guide you into the information they need. Again, get to the point with a well formulated plan of how you will deliver the information not using too many technical terms known to your industry, but by using relatable terms that everyone can understand. Again, this is a fine line to tow, you don’t want to insult anyone by dummying down your words too much or speaking too slow. You WILL lose business and your reputation for being a smart-ass will spread quickly. You may as well stamp it on your head, your website and your vehicle. Always remain respectful of a person’s comprehension, just because you have been in this business and understand everything, doesn’t mean your customer understands a single thing.